
Monday, May 16, 2011

The Art of Photoshopping

I've been playing around with Adobe Photoshop CS5, and I've been testing out my skills. Its pretty amazing how you can change the way a person looks or do enhancements.

Here are some examples:

This is the Original Picture 
(Those darn bags won't disappear. It appears every time I smile.)

This is what I call SUPER photoshop. (HAHA, not natural-looking)

Now this is the better one. Its more natural and very me. (lol)
 I just got rid of my dark circles and a few flaws here and there but left everything else the same.




I had the funniest dream ever last night! I had a dream that Enrique Iglesias was my man and we were driving a fast car! (Actually, I was driving him and having a good time.) Then I woke up due to my neighbor yelling at his bad dog! Darn him! 


  1. Girl, you don't even need photoshop! If that's the original image then you're already flawless!

  2. photoshoppin can do miracles...but u r flawless so u dont need it :)
